Page last updated 11:03 12 March 2025.
Property in the vicinity of Glyncoed Terrace
0345 988 1188
Flood Warning not in force | 07:50 on 13 Oct 2023 |
Flood Warning in force | 02:35 on 13 Oct 2023 |
Status History is limited to the 10 most recent updates
What to do before, during and after a flood
You can also:
Other ways to get flood warning information
To report flooding or hear current flood warnings in force call the 24-hour Floodline service on:
Telephone: 0345 988 1188
Type talk: 0345 602 6340 (for the hard of hearing)
Information on call charges
Flood information for England, Northern Ireland and Scotland
Flood warnings in force in England Flooding information for Northern Ireland Flood warnings in force in ScotlandIs there anything wrong with this page? Give us your feedback.